September 17, 2022

Hello Grace Vineyard and Friends of Grace!

It’s Saturday afternoon, so I was debating whether I should still send you one of my updates this week, but I decided a quick hello would be worth the time.  I know some of you have made reading my weekly updates part of your normal weekly rhythm, so let’s go for it.

Kim and I got back late last night from Santa Barbara. We went up there to help Charissa move into her apartment for her senior year at UCSB.  We left Thursday morning, with me driving our van loaded to the top and Charissa and Kim in Charissa’s car.  We got about 1/2 way to San Clemente when the van had a blow out.  Flowing with traffic in the number 2 lane meant I was going fast, and it took just a bit to get over to the right shoulder … long enough to destroy any hope of salvaging that tire!  I also didn’t like the idea of unloading that van on the freeway in order to get to the spare, so I opted for a tow back to Oceanside to get a new tire.  That set us back about 6 hours in our plans for a Thursday move in.  Perspective is a good thing  — while waiting for the new tire I got a phone call and learned of a cousin who has a pretty bad case of cancer.  Any thought of complaining about my little flat tire trial was completely eliminated in light of more eternal issues.  In 2 Corinthians 4:18, after recounting some of his trials to his family in the Corinthian church, Paul writes,

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

I found myself praying for my cousin and his family, and I found myself rejoicing over my light and momentary troubles “endured” in the practically perfect weather of Southern California.  And that was good for my soul!

Tomorrow I plan on continuing learning with you from Paul’s 2nd letter to Timothy. We’ve been talking about “Guarding The Treasure” the last few weeks we’ve been together, and in this next section Paul gives Timothy some more inspiration for how we can endure present suffering as we guard the treasure that has been entrusted to us, looking with hope to the glorious future that awaits us, both in the here and now, and in the age to come.

Women’s Ministry – so much happening!!

I want to make sure all the women get a chance to hear about the many opportunities you have to enter into life giving community right now.  Here’s some excerpts from an email Kim sent to the ladies on her email list. If you would like to hear directly from Kim in the future about women’s ministry events, email her a request, and she’ll put you on her email list.  Her email is

Prayer and Fasting for the Retreat:  We’ll meet after church in the sanctuary Sunday, September  18th and October 9th &16th to fast lunch and pray from 11:45-12:30 for the retreat.  You all are invited to join us.
Face to Face Friday, September 30th:  We’ll have a women’s get together with soup and bread at Oceanside Harbor (go right on N. Harbor Drive as you come into the Harbor area) in the grassy area by the small fishing pier.  Nancy Beck will be sharing a message on Hope as the Anchor for our Souls.  We’ll be there at 5pm, but come when you’re able.  You can bring food/drinks to share.  Call Kim Ohst 760.519.4558 for more details.    
Make and Bake Sale Sunday, October 2nd:  To raise money for retreat costs and scholarships, we’ll be having a Make and Bake Sale October 2nd right after church.  Anything you’d like to donate for us to sell, is greatly appreciated!  It can be homemade or store bought items.  If you’re planning on getting a scholarship for the retreat, we’ll need your help with the Make and Bake Sale. Sign up to participate this Sunday at the retreat table in the lobby.
Stories in the Garden A Planting of the Lord Retreat October 21-23:  I pray you all will consider attending this retreat at Pine Valley in Alpine.  We’ll explore our stories- the good and the hard parts and see how God can bring beauty from ashes.   Treina Nash will be the main speaker.  We’ll also hear from Michele Goane and Ammee Huzil will  be leading worship and creative expression.  We’ll have a table in the lobby for sign-up.  The cost is $165 for a dorm room, $190 for a shared bathroom lodge and $210 for a private bathroom lodge (these have already been filled, unless you are rooming with someone who’s already reserved one).  Scholarships are available on a first come, first-served basis.  The scholarship is for $80, so you pay $85 to receive a dorm room.  
I want to make sure you have Movement San Diego in your calendars and hearts, so here’s a repeat of what I put in my email last week:

MovementSD Saturday October 1

A bunch of churches from Oceanside and surrounding cities are partnering to make this happen.  Tomorrow we’ll have invite cards for each of you to grab and invite everyone you know to come to the amphitheater on October 1.

And I want to remind you of the upcoming Breath of Heaven annual banquet.  I really hope you’ll join us in helping make this a tremendous success for the orphans and widows we love to serve in Zambia:

Annual Breath of Heaven Banquet

Most of you would know that I recently got back from a trip to Zambia where we partner with a really amazing orphan care organization called Breath of Heaven Children’s Village. I love this place, I love the staff, I love the kids, I love the mission…together we are providing a hope and a future for Zambia’s orphans, and we are changing the landscape of a nation, one life at a time.  On October 16, at 4:00PM, we are having our annual fundraising banquet for Breath of Heaven. I really hope you’ll come and support this amazing organization.  Plus, if it’s any interest to you, I’m one of the speakers at the event.  Please register and get more details at

By the way, I’ll be returning to Zambia the last week of October, along with Michael Aplikowsky, to speak at the Zambia national Vineyard Conference in a city called Ndola, and I would love it if you would be praying for us as we prepare to minister to a bunch of pastors and leaders. After the conference we’ll be heading over to Breath of Heaven in Lusaka to spend time with the staff and children there. (Some people have also asked about helping with the travel costs, which is greatly appreciated, so if you wanted to donate to that need click here.)

And that’s it for this week’s Grace Vineyard update.  I’ll see you all on Sunday morning!

with love and blessings to each of you,

Ron Ohst

Tithes and Offerings Online

THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard!  And thanks to all of you who are stepping into a lifestyle of generosity with your tithes and offerings.  It really does take all of us doing our part with the income God has entrusted to us for His church. If you’d like to give your tithe or offering online, click the donate button below.