May 10, 2024

Hello Grace Vineyard Family and Friends,

It’s time for our weekly update email.  Spring is in the air, and we’re ready to enjoy another beautiful weekend in amazing San Diego.  Here’s what’s coming up:

Saturday, May 11: Ladies Walk and Men’s Breakfast

It’s time for some outdoor fellowship for the Women of Grace. We’ll be walking at the Harbor this week.  Join us at 9am on Saturday, May 11.  We’ll meet at the tunnel across from Joe’s Crab Shack, and then enjoy a lovely walk around the Oceanside Harbor.  Join us for some special fellowship while walking in God’s wonderful creation.  If you are planning on coming please text/call Kathy Green at 760-583-1779.

Men, we get some fellowship time too.  We’ll meet at 8am at Ty’s Burgerhouse for our monthly men’s breakfast.  We start with a great breakfast that includes biscuits and gravy!   When we’re done munchin, we’ll start with some worship and then hear an inspiring message from Steve Rogers.  There’s always time for praying for each other too.  It’s a great time, and I hope to see you there this Saturday.

Rescheduled: Breath of Heaven Golf Tournament Fund Raiser

Due to some logistic and scheduling conflicts, we are having to move this year’s golf tournament out a few weeks.
We are sorry for this unfortunate disruption and we hope you will be able to join us on the new date. Here is the information.
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Scramble Start at 1:00
Bear Creek Golf Club
Murrieta, CA
If you have any questions or need more information, do not hesitate to contact Tom LaManna
(951) 296-7530  call or text,

Jesus Walk, May 18

Coming up in a week we’ll be having another Jesus Walk.  This is such a great experience and opportunity to bless people who are out and about on a Saturday morning.  On Saturday, May 18th, we’ll meet at the Oceanside Transit Parking Structure at 10am.  The parking structure is on the corner of Seagaze and Cleveland.  And then we’ll just walk along the Strand and see who the Lord has planned for us to run into.  It’s like God has an appointment book, and we’re in it on Saturday morning, and we find out who He has appointed for us to meet when we end up meeting them.  We usually have someone who can play the guitar walking with us, playing and singing worship songs.  Yes, it puts most of us past the boundaries of our comfort zone, and that’s kinda the point…remember last Sunday when I was talking about how good it is for us to be in a place where we feel helpless and completely dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit?  This is one way of getting into that space.  When we’re all done, we’ll most likely end up barbecuing some hot dogs and just enjoying some sweet fellowship with each other and whoever happens to be around.  This is really a great way to grow in discipleship.

Soaking Worship and Prayer May 19

On Sunday night, May 19th, we’re going to have another worship and prayer night.  This one is pretty special, because it will be Pentecost Sunday.  Come and just bask in the Presence of the Lord in an extended time of worship and prayer.  We’ll begin at 6pm, and we’ll be in the lobby.

Mother’s Day This Coming Sunday

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and we’re going to have a special time honoring mothers.  We have a rose to give to each mom in attendance, so be sure to bring someone with you who would be blessed.  You know, when we talk about the “vision” we have for our Grace Vineyard Community we always go back to the Vision God has for the world that is expressed in the Bible.  God has a vision and a mission to see that vision become reality, and God has a church for His mission…that’s us!  The vision His prophets have described is a future where the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as thoroughly as the waters cover the sea.  That’s saturation!  And we learn in 2 Corinthians 4 that the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord is experienced when God shines His light in  people’s hearts to give them “the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord in the Face of Christ.”  We like to say that our vision – or our description of a preferred future – is for people everywhere to know and worship God in all his Goodness and Glory.  Well, one of the ways God has chosen to reflect and reveal His Glory is in creation, especially in people who are made in His image.  And (somewhat surprisingly to many people), God specifically reveals His Glory in who He has created women to be and especially in motherhood.  In fact, God compares His own character to that of a Mother in several places throughout the Word.  It seems especially appropriate on Mother’s Day to explore God’s Glory together, so that’s what we’re planning on doing.  The title of my sermon is, “How God Reflects His Glory in the Heart of a Mother.”  I think you all, especially you women, will be encouraged as we open the Word together on Sunday.  If you are not able to be with us in person this Sunday, you can always join online via the Zoom app with this info:  Zoom Meeting ID  153 112 432, Passcode 684814. You may also join us on Facebook Live at

Since some of you have come to expect to run into the video of last week’s message in my weekly emails, I’ll put that  right here:

The sermon was about Relying on the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer after church on May 19th

We normally have an after church prayer meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month, but since the 2nd Sunday is Mother’s day, we thought we’d delay the prayer meeting one week.  PLEASE make plans and set your calendar in advance to stay after church for an hour to join us in prayer.  Prayer is SO powerful and effective.  It’s an amazing source of power that God has given us, and yet many of us only use it as a last resort when everything else has failed…sort of a “well, nothing else worked, so maybe we should try prayer” approach.  Let’s flip that script and make Prayer our first resort! Just stick around church and will give you direction for where to be and how we’ll be praying.

I think that about covers everything I wanted to tell you about this week.  See you Sunday!

With love and blessings,

Ron Ohst

Tithes and Offerings Online

THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard!  And thanks to all of you who are stepping into a lifestyle of generosity with your tithes and offerings.  It really does take all of us doing our part with the income God has entrusted to us for His church. If you’d like to give your tithe or offering online, click the donate button below.