Grace Vineyard Update 11-27-2020

Hello Dear Friends,

We Ohsts are in the middle of our Thanksgiving Celebration here on Friday morning. We had a wonderful gathering at a friend’s house yesterday and today we’ll do it again at my Dad’s house. What a blessing to be with friends and family for the purpose of giving thanks to our loving Father for all His goodness. I hope you all have been able to enjoy the Lord and sweet fellowship with loving brothers and sisters in the Lord as well.  We are truly blessed to have each other.

I just wanted to break away from the holiday and send you all a quick greeting, and make sure you know how we will be coming together this coming weekend.  With the current increase in the spread of covid-19 here in San Diego, we are only able to meet  online or outside, so we are alternating between those options (as weather permits).  This week we’ll be enjoying fellowship with each other via the magic of technology — i.e. Online Church with Zoom and Facebook Live.   I’m encouraging you to choose Zoom so we can interact!  We’ve got a great worship band led by Paul Abbott this week. I’ll be opening John 15, and I’ve asked Snake (Richard Ertel) to share a little bit of his story with us as we listen to Jesus words about fruitfulness in our lives.  I think you’ll be encouraged, so don’t miss it!

Here’s the info you need (it’s the same as before, but I’m happy to repeat it for your convenience):

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 153 112 432
Passcode: 684814
One tap mobile

Or just watch on Facebook Live at\gracevcf.


We are wrapping up our annual Missions Month – “Partners in the Harvest: Renewing our Commitment to the Great Commission”.  This would be the perfect weekend for you to take a quick look at our missions page (updated with the latest info) –  Pay special attention to the Pledge form where we are each renewing our pledges to Grace Missions for 2021.  It is crucial that each of us renew our pledge so that we can tell our missionaries how much financial support they can expect from us for 2021.  They need this info!  When we all partner together, the task is easy to accomplish, so please make sure to renew your pledge today at 2020-2021 Missions Pledge.

Well, I’m gonna get back to my family now.  I’ll see you Sunday morning at 9:30.  I’d encourage you to spend time this weekend telling God what you are thankful for — you’ll be blessed!

With love and blessings,

Ron Ohst

Tithes and Offerings Online

Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness! We could not do what we do without you. We believe God has chosen to meet the material needs of His church through the tithes and offerings of His people. (Tithe means literally 1/10 or 10% of our income). We encourage everybody to be committed to a church family, and if Grace Vineyard is where you are committed, we’ve provided this online tool for you; click on the “donate” button below to get started. (Note: if you’re giving an offering for the building fund or the benevolence fund in addition to your tithe, please mention that in the notes section after you land on our paypal page). THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard – it takes all of us!