Grace Vineyard Update 10-03-2020

Hi Grace Vineyard and Friends,

Oops!  I just about forgot to send you an email this weekend.  I think I said everything you need to know in my video update yesterday, but I found out last week that some of you have grown to expect my weekly emails to have the link for the zoom meeting – which I forgot to include last week, sorry!  So, here we go with this week’s Grace Vineyard upate in another amazingly beautiful weekend in Oceanside!

For those of you looking for a zoom link for tomorrow’s service, here you go:

Meeting ID: 153 112 432, Password: 684814

One tap mobile: +16699009128,,153112432#

I sent out a video update yesterday.  If you missed it and would like to just watch it instead of reading an email, here it is:

And for those of you who do like to read, here’s the highlights:

First – just rejoice for a minute on how great last weekend was with you all!  Saturday’s We Pray San Diego was awesome.  I forget the exact numbers, but somewhere over 50 schools had people praying for them, and something over 3,000 people were praying.  How cool is that?!  Here’s a short recap video of the event.  (You might just see yourself if you were at Oceanside High School.)

And I also wanted to take a minute to rejoice at what took place on Sunday.  First, I know it wasn’t just me, because I’ve heard it from some of you too – the Presence of the Holy Spirit was tangible as we worshiped!  And then it was such a joy to watch the folks who got baptized.  Since the beginning of the church on the day of Pentecost 50 days after Jesus’ crucifixion, followers of Jesus have been celebrating baptisms together.  I’m so glad we have the opportunity to join in that great tradition right in our own parking lot!  Tomorrow, let’s start engaging with the Lord before we even arrive at our meeting, whether online or in the park.  Let’s come with hearts full of expectancy for another life changing encounter with the Living God!

Our in-person meeting will be back in the shaded grove of trees at Buddy Todd park.  Bring your own lawn chair and a mask.  Also, here’s the lyrics for the song’s we plan to sing: Lyrics For October 4, 2020.  Those of you joining via zoom, you might want to print them out in advance, and those of you joining us in person might want to do the same, or get them ready on your phone.

I’m planning on continuing reading in John 12, start at verse 12.  Here’s a link if you’d like to read it on line:  Please take a moment to read this passage before we get together; it’ll make our experience in the Word even better!

Grace Kids & Family Service

This morning our Grace Kids got together for a zoom Clubhouse Grace and it sounded really fun (Kim and Charissa were in the next room over so I heard it all!).  Next Saturday, at 4pm, we’ll have another kids- focused get together at Buddy Todd Park. We’ll have fun worship music, a craft and a Bible Story. It will be designed for kids age 2 – 5th grade, but everyone is welcome.  For more info, contact Kim Ohst at 760-519-4558, or

Authentic Manhood Volume 2 Starts this Monday

Men – we’re starting another Authentic Manhood series this coming Monday night on Zoom.  Check out this promo video:

For more info, please contact Michael Aplikowsky at 760-473-9177 or email him here.  The meetings start Monday, October 5, at 7pm, and the Zoom Meeting ID and Password is: 4802031063 surrender.

Men’s Breakfast on August 17 in Ty’s Back Patio

Also for the men, we are going to get together for breakfast in 2 weeks on August 17 at 8am.  Ty’s Burger House is opening up the Back Patio area for us.  They’ll follow the guideline for restaurants in the Covid-19 era…tables spaced 6 feet apart, etc.  Hope to see you there at 8am for fellowship, food, worship, and the Word.  It’ll be great to see you all!

The Third Option Small Group

Like many of you, as issues of racial division became front and center in our national conversation over the summer, I have been listening, and looking for wisdom and understanding on how we can be part of a healing solution to this cultural wound.  One of the resources that I found really helpful is Miles McPherson’s “The Third Option” material.  On a recent zoom call with pastors preparing for the We Pray San Diego events, Miles shared with us that they have created a 6 week small group curriculum to work through the concepts.  It’s actually part of a focus group that will give Miles and his team feedback on the group material as they launch it in a group format for the first time.  I would like to do a zoom group with 8-10 of you.  The timing would be Monday nights, at 7pm, for 6 weeks beginning on November 2nd (my apologies to the Authentic Men group — this is just the only night that worked for me this time!).  I need to know right away if at least 8 of you are interested, please reply ASAP to to let me know you’d like to be a part of this group.  If you’d like to get an intro to the concepts, you can listen to Miles speak about it in a bunch of places on  Here’s one of them:

That’s it for today.  See you tomorrow, and have a wonderful, restful Saturday evening.

with  love and blessings,


Tithes and Offerings Online

Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness! We could not do what we do without you. We believe God has chosen to meet the material needs of His church through the tithes and offerings of His people. (Tithe means literally 1/10 or 10% of our income). We encourage everybody to be committed to a church family, and if Grace Vineyard is where you are committed, we’ve provided this online tool for you; click on the “donate” button below to get started. (Note: if you’re giving an offering for the building fund or the benevolence fund in addition to your tithe, please mention that in the notes section after you land on our paypal page). THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard – it takes all of us!