October 11, 2024

Hello Grace Vineyard Family and Friends,

Happy Friday to you!

As I was thinking and praying about what to share with you in this week’s update, I was thinking about a song I’ve been listening to this week.  It’s an unusual song because the lyrics are written as God singing words of love to us instead of the other way around like we usually do with worship songs.  I think a lot of us have at least some difficulty fully believing it when people tell us how much they love us, or how much we mean to them.  And that number probably grows larger when it comes to us believing that God really loves us, really has affection for us, and that we really mean more to Him than we can imagine. But, that is what the Bible tells us over and over.  Jesus, for example, says, “The Father Himself loves you…” (John 16:27), and rather surprisingly, John uses the Greek word “phileo” for love in that passage, which implies tender affection more than the word “agape” that we usually associate with God’s love.  The prophet Zephaniah says that God takes great delight in us, quiets us with His love, and rejoices over us with singing.  Other places picture God with the tender affection of a mother loving her children, a father loving his children, a husband loving his bride, and many, many more images of tender  love and affection.  If you have a moment to listen, here’s the song I was talking about:

It’s called “My Beloved”, and here it’s sung by a worship leader named Klaus Kuehn, and written by Klaus and Kari Jobe. The lyrics go like this:

You’re My beloved, you’re My bride  / To sing over you is My delight  / Come away with Me, My love
Under My mercy come and wait / ‘Til we are standing face to face  / I see no stain on you My child

You’re beautiful to Me  / So beautiful to Me
I sing over you My song of peace / Cast all your care down at My feet  / Come and find your rest in Me

I’ll breathe My life inside of you / I’ll bear you up on eagle’s wings  / And hide you in the shadow of My strength

I’ll take you to My quiet waters / I’ll restore your soul (I’ll restore your soul)  / Come rest in Me and be made whole

You’re My beloved, you’re My bride  / To sing over you is My delight / Come away with Me, My love

Just thought I’d share that with you. You’ll probably remember me saying before that I think one of the most important things we can do in this life is to experience the Father’s love for us.  And that’s because we are commanded to love God with all our mind, soul, and strength, and to love others as ourselves, but we also are told that we only can love because God first loved us. In other words, to fulfill the command to love God and other people, it must come from the overflow of us first receiving God’s love.

Duke and Marie Lancaster This Sunday!

With all that talk about God loving us in mind, you can imagine how pleasantly surprised I was to receive the title of this Sunday’s message from our guests Duke and Marie Lancaster  – “Jesus Loves Me”!  Duke and Marie were with us for the first time last January, and we absolutely loved getting to know them.  And the feeling was mutual.  (Side note: Duke told me today that he can’t wait to get back in our building, which he is sure has the coolest stage in the Vineyard 🙂 )  So, when Duke contacted me several months ago and said they’d be in town this week for a missions conference with the Vineyard in MexiCali, I jumped at the chance to have them come speak at Grace Vineyard.  This time we have another special treat – Duke asked me to have a keyboard set up for him so he could play and sing something when they start ministering.

Speaking of Speaking at Grace, here’s the video of Snake and Michelle last Sunday with their message called “Against All Odds”.  I just finished listening this morning, and it was Great!  They shared many stories from their journey, always coming back to the idea that God’s Word is filled with promises, dependable promises, on which we can build our lives, as they quoted promise after promise from the Bible.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy listening again, or having this link to share with a friend:

Here’s the part where I tell you about all the Grace Happenings you’ll want to know about…

This Saturday: Men’s Breakfast and Lady’s Walk/Hike

Tomorrow is the 2nd Saturday of the month, and that means it’s time for our Women’s Morning Walk and our Monthly Men’s Breakfast.   Ladies, you’ll be meeting at the Oak Riparian Park playground, by the restrooms, at 9am..  The address is 4625 Lake Blvd.  Please let Kathy Green know if you plan on joining the women, by texting or calling her at 760-583-1779.   Men, you’ll be meeting at Ty’s Burgerhouse at 8am for the best breakfast in Oceanside.  We’ll enjoy a great meal (including biscuits and gravy), worshipping together, and then we’ll listen to an inspiring message from our own Jesse Bass.  This is going to be a great Saturday morning.

Being The Beloved Women’s Retreat 2024

The Women of Grace will be going to Pine Valley for our Being the Beloved retreat November 1-3.  Michelle Wilson, pastor of Coast Vineyard, will be our speaker and Ammee  Huzil will be leading worship.  Dorm Rooms are $195, Shared Bath Lodges are $230 and Private Bath Lodges are $250 (unavailable unless already reserved).  You won’t want to miss this lovely time of connecting with the Lord and your sisters in Christ.  Please sign up in the lobby (even if you’ve already begun to pay, please fill out a registration form).  For more information, please call Kim Ohst 760.519.4558.  You can pay online by clicking here Women’s Retreat Payment.

Make and Bake Sale this Sunday

We have a number of women who are requesting financial aid to get to the women’s retreat this year, so we’re having another Make and Bake sale fundraiser this weekend.  We’d also be happy to receive donations for retreat scholarships – to donate to the Women’s Retreat Scholarship Fund, click here: donate-now. We’d love for you to bring items for us to sell at the Make and Bake Sale.  The proceeds from this sale will pay for both retreat costs and retreat scholarships.  Those requesting a scholarship will need to help with set up, pricing, selling or tear down.    Please text Kim Ohst for details 760-519-4558

2nd Sunday After Church Prayer

This coming Sunday is the 2nd Sunday of the month, and that means it’s time for our after church prayer meeting.    I can’t emphasize enough how essential prayer is to everything we do.  God has designed it to be so.  For our church family to flourish in every way that God has called us, we need to bring our requests to Him.  I hope some more of you will join us right after church to seek the Lord for His direction, His favor and His abundant provision in all that He has called us to be and do in our city. It will be roughly from 11:45am to 1pm.

Opportunity to Serve

We are in need of 3 volunteers to serve 1 Sunday per month in our children’s ministry.  You don’t need any experience!  But you do have to fill out an application.  Our kids are our most important asset, and we need to invest in our future by investing in them!  Please contact Debby Gidley by text, phone call, or email for more info:  760-754-2974/debby@gracevcf.org.

Convicted For Christ Golf For Hope Tournament

Our friends at Convicted For Christ are having their 2nd annual Golf For Hope Tournament/Fundraiser on November 9th.   I hope as many of us as possible can also join the Golf For Hope Tournament.  Check it out by clicking here: https://www.convicted4christ.org/2nd-annual-golf-for-hope-fundraiser.

A Very Special Luncheon for David and Heidi Coombs

We have a very special after church luncheon scheduled for October 20th.  When we started our Missions Program almost 20 years ago in 2005, among our very first missionary partners were Wycliffe Bible Translators David and Heidi Coombs.  They are officially retiring, celebrating over 50 years in Missions Work and Bible Translation! What an incredible life and legacy they are leaving.  I can only imagine the joy we will be celebrating in eternity with them and the many who heard the Gospel and responded because they had a Bible written in their own language.  We are planning on starting that celebration now!  After church on the 20th of October we will have a special lunch celebrating David and Heidi, and we hope as many of you can attend as possible.  We could use some help to put this party together, so please contact Sharon Evans to volunteer. See her in church this Sunday!

Encounter Night 2024

Get ready for Encounter Night 2024, on Sunday,  November 3 at the Oceanside Pier Amphitheater.   Encounter Night is a night of worship and prayer put on by the churches of San Diego at the Oceanside Pier Amphitheater.  It starts at 6pm on Sunday night, November 3, and it sounds like it’s going to be awesome.  There will be a combined worship band with singers and instrumentalists from a bunch of different churches in San Diego.  There will also be worship led by Chris Quilala. This will be a great time of unity among the churches of San Diego, gathering with just one purpose – to exalt the name of Jesus!

Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday morning.  See you at 9:25!  If you are not able to be with us in person this Sunday, you can always join online via the Zoom app with this info:  Zoom Meeting ID  153 112 432, Passcode 684814. You may also join us on Facebook Live at facebook.com/gracevcf.

with blessing and love to each of you,

Ron Ohst

Tithes and Offerings Online

THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard!  And thanks to all of you who are stepping into a lifestyle of generosity with your tithes and offerings.  It really does take all of us doing our part with the income God has entrusted to us for His church. If you’d like to give your tithe or offering online, click the donate button below.