August 30, 2024

Hello Grace Vineyard Family and Friends.  Happy Friday to You!


I usually pause right before I start these weekly emails, and pray, hopeful that I’ll have something to say more than just a list of announcements of upcoming events in our church family.  When I did that just now, the word “Thankful” filled me.

Are you thankful today?  The truth is, I had a bunch of things happen this week that I could complain about.  But the number of things I have to be thankful for is absolutely overwhelming, and they completely overshadow the nitpicky things I could complain about.  (In fact, I’m laughing right now as I realize the things I could complain about are actually connected to things I’m thankful for — kinda like complaining about the barnacles attached to your million dollar yacht!)  I’ll name just one thing I’m thankful for: your generosity in response to my request for financial help for the people living in the leprosy colony that I told you about last week.  I had a financial goal, and you gave more than I requested!  I was able to send that money to my friend, pastor John Chilengi of Compassionate Vineyard in Kasempa, Zambia.  He’s the one who has led his church to serve the people of this leprosy colony consistently for years.  Very soon, they will have fresh water with their own well, 5 wheel chairs to help those who cannot walk, mattresses for everyone who was sleeping on dirt floors, and enough food for everyone for a month.  A HUGE thank you to all of you gave to this cause.  There’s still more to be done, especially in the area of finding a source for the medicine they need.  I’ll keep you updated on that front as we discover more solutions.

Eddie & Bethany & Family This Sunday

Here’s another thing to be thankful for: Eddie and Bethany Roach and all THREE of their beautiful children will be joining us on Sunday at Grace Vineyard!  Yup, they have a new oldest daughter, named Ching Ching, and I can’t wait to meet her.  I hear she has as much personality as Eddie!  So much has happened since we sent Eddie and Bethany as our missionaries to Cambodia back in 2016 (I think  it was 2016, but I’m not positive…it’s been a few years now!)  Eddie and Bethany will be bringing the message on Sunday, so be prepared to be inspired by both a bunch of amazing stories they’ll share as well as a passion-igniting message from the Word of God.  The title of their message for this Sunday is, “Ignite Faith”, and it will be about living with a passion for life and God,  choosing to make a difference in this world. This is going to be an AWESOME Sunday!

And while we’re on the subject of Sunday messages, I am told that some of you look for a link to the videos of the Sunday messages in these weekly update emails, so here’s a video of  last Sunday’s message that I called “Be Strong and Courageous”:

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday morning at 9:30.  If you are not able to be with us in person this Sunday, you can always join online via the Zoom app with this info:  Zoom Meeting ID  153 112 432, Passcode 684814. You may also join us on Facebook Live at

Steve Rogers in Indonesia

Just wanted to remind you to keep Steve and the team he’s with in Indonesia in your prayers.  I messaged with Steve yesterday, and he is having a really great time.  In one story, they were going to visit people from a Vineyard church there in their homes, so they could just pray over them and bless them.  They visited one person who was a brand new believer, and the guy started manifesting a demon, so they commanded the demon to leave, and it was just like what we read about in the Bible in Luke 10 when those unnamed disciples reported to Jesus, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in Your name!”  The demon left! Later that night, they attended a prayer meeting with about 25 leaders from the church, and they asked Steve to teach them about prayer because no one had ever cast out a demon in their church.  So Steve walked them through the “5 Step Prayer Model”. (If you’re unfamiliar with this simple model for praying for people, check it out here.)   He then had them practice what he was teaching them, and then they had their own Pentecost experience – the Holy Spirit fell on the people there, some fell to the floor, some were weeping, some were filled with joy and laughing, all were overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit!  He is staying busy doing ministry pretty much every waking moment! Steve returns on September 7th, so please keep praying for the team for the next week.  Prayer is powerful!

Here’s some upcoming events for Grace Vineyard you’ll want to be aware of:

Women’s One Day Retreat September 7

Our Women of Grace will be joining with the ladies of Vineyard Yorba Linda and other Southern California Vineyards for a one day retreat.  Danielle Pathak, Associate National Director for Vineyard USA will be the speaker.  It will be a time of worship, fellowship, teaching and ministry.  It begins at 9am and ends at 3:30pm.  Cost is $35 and includes breakfast and lunch.  You can find details and a registration link at:  If you’d like to carpool, we’ll meet at the church at 7:15am and leave at 7:30.  Please sign up at the table in the lobby or text Kim  if you plan to carpool 760.519.4558.

Women’s Face To Face Home Group September 13

We’ll meet at Sheri’s house (4538 Coronado Dr., Oceanside) on Friday, September 13th at 6:30pm for snacks.  Worship will begin at 7pm.  Thelma will be telling her story and we’ll have a time of ministry.  Bring a snack to share and your bathing suit for a swim after the meeting.  For more information, please call or text Kim Ohst 760.519.4558.

Monthly Ladies Walk/Hike September 14

Ladies, you’re invited to join us at 9am at the Oceanside Pier sign across the street from Pacific 333, for our monthly walk/hike. This is a great opportunity for fellowship and light exercise in the beauty of the San Diego Coast. Please call/text Kathy Green if you plan to attend 760.583.1779.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast, September 14

Men, we hope you’ll join the Men of Grace on Saturday, September 14, at 8am at Ty’s Burgerhouse, 515 Mission Ave, just around the corner from the church.  Really great breakfast, fellowship with the guys, worship, and an inspiring Word.  Put it in your phone’s calendar now!

Sunday School Cleaning and Organizing Saturday, September 28th 9am-12pm

This one is for both Men and Women: Bring your cleaning supplies (buckets, rags, towels, old toothbrushes).  We’re going to be cleaning toys and Sunday school furniture and organizing supplies.  We could use lots of hands to make the work fun and easy.  Please call Kim Ohst if you plan to attend 760.519.4558.

Reminder: Mexico Vineyard National Conference

I want to remind our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters about the Mexico Vineyard national conference coming up in October.  Did you know that there is a Mexico Vineyard association of churches just like there is one in the U.S.?  There are actually 15 associations of Vineyard churches in various countries and regions around the world (check  out our international Vineyard family at  Over the years I have been to many Vineyard USA national conferences and always wish i could take all of you with me! I was super excited to learn that the Mexico Vineyard National Conference coming up October 16-18 is very close – MexiCali.  Right now I am planning on going and I want to take as many Spanish speakers from Grace Vineyard as possible to go with me.  The good news for me is that they’ll have English translation available to help me out.  The worship from our Mexican Vineyard family is AWESOME! Please check out the details right here:   Here’s an excerpt (in Spanish, of course):

Estimados Pastores y Líderes,
Estamos tan emocionados por lo que Dios ha preparado para el movimiento Viña este año. Creemos, y hemos visto, como Dios ha estado construyendo a través de una de las temporadas más difíciles en el país y en la iglesia. En Su carácter como Constructor, el Espíritu Santo ha traído sanidad y unidad a un movimiento que muchos pensaron sería deshecho. Pero Dios . . . pero Dios, es Quien edificó la casa y Quien la ha sostenido.
Este año, celebramos Su fidelidad y Su amor por construir uniéndonos a lo que está haciendo en México: Construyendo. Seguimos el modelo de Jesús cuando dijo en Juan 5:19, “Les digo la verdad, el Hijo no puede hacer nada por su propia cuenta; solo hace lo que ve que el Padre hace. Todo lo que hace el Padre, también lo hace el Hijo . . .” Y si Dios está CONSTRUYENDO . . . nosotros construiremos también.
Invitados y Sesiones
Te invitamos a ti y a tu congregación a acompañarnos en Mexicali, B.C. del miércoles 16 al viernes 18 de octubre para nuestra Conferencia Nacional Viña 2024: Una Reunión de Constructores.

Te puedes registrar en por solo $150 M.N./persona depositado en BBVA BANCOMER a la cuenta 4555-1130-1242-4125 a Nombre de NOEMI GONZALEZ RUIZ. Les pedimos que una vez hecho el deposito manden por favor una imagen con la ficha de deposito a NAOMY

Have a great rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you Sunday morning.

With love and blessings,

Ron Ohst

Tithes and Offerings Online

THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard!  And thanks to all of you who are stepping into a lifestyle of generosity with your tithes and offerings.  It really does take all of us doing our part with the income God has entrusted to us for His church. If you’d like to give your tithe or offering online, click the donate button below.