February 21, 2025
Hello Grace Vineyard Family and Friends of Grace Vineyard,
Once again we’re starting a new weekend, and we’re hitting that part of the week where I take a moment to touch base with you about what’s happening in our community and what I am anticipating we will pursue in the Word together when we come together on Sunday morning. I sure enjoyed last Sunday when my friends from our guest worship band got to experience how wonderful it is to worship the Lord with you all. Those of you who were there will remember what a “presenceful” time we had together, and it was certainly a joy to worship with that band. But you’ll probably be encouraged to know how much your passionate response to the Lord impacted them. The drummer, who was my main contact in organizing the morning with all of its technical details, told me how the tears were streaming down his face as our congregation worshipped with such passion and abandon. I have to admit, I have something like fatherly pride when I get to share you with people who don’t normally attend our services. You are a very special congregation! I really look forward to being with you again in a few days. Surely the Lord is enthroned on the praises of His people, as the Psalmist has written.
Life in the Spirit: How the Word, Vision, & Faith Work Together to Accomplish God’s Purposes
This Sunday, I would like to continue exploring the topic of God’s Empowering Presence with you, but I felt led to take a step back and work on a foundational principle of Life in the Spirit. We’re going to take a look at how God uses His Word to reveal promises that give us both vision for what is possible in His Kingdom by the power of the Spirit, along with Faith that enables us to pursue that vision, especially by prayer, until it becomes reality in our lives. We’ll primarily look at Abraham, sometimes called the father of faith, and how this worked out in his life. I think we’ll all find it helpful as we continue to learn about God’s Empowering Presence in our lives.
If you would like to hear last week’s sermon, here it is on our YouTube channel:
Baptism This Sunday in Church
We are having a baptism during our Sunday morning service this coming Sunday. While I do enjoy baptisms at the beach, I also love doing them in the winter inside the building because it’s great to have our whole Grace Vineyard family together to celebrate people making a public profession of their faith like this. Good news – it’s not too late to get baptized this Sunday. You can still contact Steve Rogers at 760-500-4324 to sign up and get all the pertinent information. If you have decided to follow Jesus but have not been baptized, that is something you need to do, and this would be a great weekend to do it!
Two New Women’s Groups
Women, we are about to launch 2 new small groups. Here’s the details:
Breathe Priscilla Shirer Study Begins March 3
Women’s Skills Group Begins March 3
This group takes participants through a transformative, restorative process using the Restoration Therapy model of the Pain and Peace Cycle. The material is based on scripture and helps you understand your new identity in Christ. It looks at negative Family of Origin patterns and provides healing through forgiveness and repair. It will meet Monday nights 6:30-8:30pm at the church. Cost is $50 for the book. Sign up at the table in the lobby after Sunday service or call/text Lisa Rogers for more information 760.696.1994.
Men’s Retreat is Next Month!
Men, we are less than 3 weeks away from Retreat Time. This year we’ll be back at Palomar Christian Conference Center. We love doing retreats there! Time is running out, so REGISTER THIS WEEK! It starts Friday night, March 14th, and continues through Sunday morning, March 16. Men, these are always great times with each other and the Lord. There’s a great mix of outdoor activities and inspiring times of worship and teaching. Ladies – if you have a man in your life, give him a push, cuz he’ll probably come back from the mountain better than when you sent him up! Find Snake in the lobby this Sunday morning to get signed up and find out all the details.
And that’s all for this week’s update. Have a great Saturday and I’ll see you all on Sunday morning. If you can’t be with us in person, here’s the link for the Zoom channel: Zoom Meeting ID 153 112 432, Passcode 684814, and here’s where you would go for the Facebook Live channel: facebook.com/gracevcf.
With love and blessings to each of you,
Ron Ohst
Tithes and Offerings Online
THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard! And thanks to all of you who are stepping into a lifestyle of generosity with your tithes and offerings. It really does take all of us doing our part with the income God has entrusted to us for His church. If you’d like to give your tithe or offering online, click the donate button below.