Men, join us at Palomar Christian Conference Center on Palomar Mountain for our 2025 Men’s Retreat, March 14-16.
We’ve booked the coolest retreat center in San Diego. The photo above is from Palomar Christian Conference Center’s webpage, and show’s somebody on the zip line. There’s also skeet shooting with shot guns, horseback riding, hiking trails, rifle range, archery, paintball, the best food of any retreat center (really!) and more. And it’s in a beautiful mountain retreat. If you’ve never been, check out their webpage at And that’s just the location. We’ll also have amazing times of worship, teaching, prayer. Our men’s retreats at PCCC have always been awesome, and I’m so glad we’ll be returning in the Spring. They having 2 styles of housing accommodations – dorm rooms and hotel style. We’ve been able to drop the prices a bit, so now, the Dorm Rooms will cost $225, and the Hotel Style rooms will cost $280. This will include all the food for the weekend too. See Snake for more more information. You can contact him via text at (760) 622-4572, email him at
Click on this Button to pay your retreat registration or to donate a scholarship to help another man get to the retreat: