Grace Vineyard Update 10-16-2020
Hi Grace Vineyard and Friends,
It’s time for another Grace Vineyard Email Update. This afternoon I sent out a video message to those for whom we have a mobile number (if you didn’t get it but would like to get future text messages, send us your cell number by texting the word “welcome” to 760-237-4393 and fill out the form that is presented in reply to your welcome text). Here it is again in case you missed it:
There were a couple things that didn’t make it into the video that are important for you to know, so I’ll tell you those first.
New Wednesday Authentic Manhood Group Launches on Zoom October 21st
Men – if you have heard about Authentic Manhood but have missed our previous groups, we’ve got great news for you. Brian Sliffe is going to host a Wednesday Zoom group starting in Volume 1 of the 6 volume series, beginning October 21st. Contact Brian for all the details — 858-864-6688 or email him at Check out this short video to get a feel for this amazing small group that is transforming the lives of so many of our men:
Operation Christmas Child
Secondly, we are in the Operation Christmas Child Season! Normally we would be encouraging you to build your shoeboxes and drop them off at the church, but because of Covid-19, we are encouraging people to build a box on line. Click here to learn more:
Our New Assistant Pastor
Thirdly, we have some really great news for you. Several people have been asking me if we are going to have a new assistant pastor, and the answer is yes! Our Leadership Council spent some weeks in prayer, seeking the Lord regarding hiring a new full time assistant pastor for Grace Vineyard, and we were unanimous in feeling we should ask Steve Rogers if he would consider taking on this role for us. He and Lisa enthusiastically said “YES!” We are very excited to see what the Lord will do in this next season. As you know, Steve joined his wife Lisa in March as co-pastors for our youth ministry on a volunteer basis, and they’ve done a fantastic job. Now Steve will be able to devote his full time to pastoral ministry while continuing to serve our youth. Please pray for both Steve and Lisa as they take on this increased responsibility in the Body of Christ.
Men’s Breakfast Saturday, October 17
I don’t know if you’ll get this email in time, but I’ll include this info — tomorrow morning, October 17, we will be having our first in-person Men’s Breakfast since the pandemic hit in March! We’ll be back at Ty’s Burger House at 8am, meeting in the back yard. We will be following the guidelines for restaurants in the Covid-19 era — you must wear a mask to enter the restaurant, and must keep it on whenever your are not at your table. Of course you can remove your mask to eat! Only people wearing masks and gloves will serve the food, and we will be meeting outside in the back courtyard of Ty’s. Jamie Weston will be our guest speaker. Join us for great food, fellowship, worship, and encouragement in God’s Word. We will also broadcast the breakfast on Zoom for those who can’t join us in person, Zoom Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 480 203 1063, Password: surrender.
Sunday Morning in the Grace Parking Lot, October 18th
This Sunday is probably our last Sunday meeting in our parking lot. I have really enjoyed being able to meet outside and worship Jesus and proclaim His Gospel out in the public like this! I hope you have too, and I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to invite friends. The following week, October 25, we will meet at Buddy Todd park one last time, then we expect to meet back in inside our building starting on November 1st. Of course, we’ve learned to be flexible, and our plans are subject to change should the health regulations change again. As usual, we will broadcast on Zoom and on Facebook Live.
For Zoom, here’s the meeting info:
Meeting ID: 153 112 432
Password: 684814
One tap mobile
For Facebook live go to our Facebook page at
The Third Option Small Group Tuesdays Beginning October 27
As you all know, our nation has been in a lot of turmoil in recent months over racial issues. The horrible and tragic deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd brought practically our entire nation into a conversation on racial division and an acute awareness of the pain experienced by our brothers and sisters of color. I’ve continued to learn as I’ve listened to the stories of fellow Americans, and I’ve been looking for ways to be part of a healing solution. In a recent zoom meeting for pastors preparing for the We Pray San Diego event, Miles McPherson told us that he has created a small group curriculum from his “The Third Option” teachings. I had already heard him speak on the topic, and had been listening to the audio book, and I found it very helpful, so I knew immediately that I wanted to do a small group with this material. This will be a 6 week zoom group on Tuesdays at 7pm, beginning October 27. I would encourage you to join me. If you’d like to check out Mile’s unique approach to bringing healing to racial tension in our churches, communities, and country, check out this website, and watch some of the videos: If you’d like to join me, sign up by sending an email to
That’s all for this week’s Grace Vineyard Update. I’ll see you men in the morning, and see the rest of you on Sunday morning at 9:30. Come with hearts full of worship!
Love and blessings,
Ron Ohst
Tithes and Offerings Online
Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness! We could not do what we do without you. We believe God has chosen to meet the material needs of His church through the tithes and offerings of His people. (Tithe means literally 1/10 or 10% of our income). We encourage everybody to be committed to a church family, and if Grace Vineyard is where you are committed, we’ve provided this online tool for you; click on the “donate” button below to get started. (Note: if you’re giving an offering for the building fund or the benevolence fund in addition to your tithe, please mention that in the notes section after you land on our paypal page). THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard – it takes all of us!