September 27, 2024

Happy Weekend, friends and family of Grace Vineyard.  It’s time for us to have a quick connection with our weekly update email.

Why and How We Can Rejoice in the Midst of Painful Trial

I would venture to guess that all of us are either going through, or have gone through some painful trials in our lives.  Maybe you’re in one right now. Pain in relationship.  Loss that really hurts.  When life is hard it’s pretty normal to have fear, or depression, or anxiety.  But “rejoicing” in the midst of a painful trial?  That seems like a strange expression in the midst of pain, especially if you know that in the Bible the word “rejoice” translates something like “be exceedingly glad, jump for joy”.   But check out this section of the apostle Peter’s message in 1 Peter:

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade — kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. (1 Peter 1:3-6)

Peter is assuming that his readers are suffering all sorts of grief because of painful trials they are going through, but believes they are able to rejoice because of the greater reality of our new birth into a living hope.  In his next sentence he finds a purpose for painful trials:

These have come so that your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, or you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 3:7-9)

Did you see that?  He compares our painful trials to fire that is used to purify gold, but quickly returns his attention to “inexpressible and glorious joy” because of a focus on Jesus in the midst of the painful trial.

On Sundays, we are talking on the theme, “Doing Life from Heaven’s Resources”, and I would certainly think that it requires heaven’s resources to be able to rejoice in the midst of painful trials.  That’s what we’ll be talking about this Sunday.  I hope you’ll be able to join us at 9:30am.  If you are not able to be with us in person this Sunday, you can always join online via the Zoom app with this info:  Zoom Meeting ID  153 112 432, Passcode 684814. You may also join us on Facebook Live at

Here’s a video of our first week’s sermon in this new series:

This week I saw another video that I wanted to share with you all.  It’s from last summer’s Vineyard National Conference.  You’ll probably remember that 2024 is Vineyard’s 50th anniversary, so they had a very special evening during the conference that they called “A History of the Vineyard through Song”.  It has interviews with some of our first worship leaders and song writers, video and photos of our early days, and lots of worship music.  They highlight some of the songs of worship we were singing throughout the years that reflected various facets that God was revealing of Himself through the seasons of the last 50 years.  It begins with some very simple and intimate songs, sung with just a guitar and voices in a living room.  I can tell you there was barely a dry eye in the room that night, and the Presence of the Lord was so thick and weighty.  Even though this is just a video, I think you might be able to experience some of what we were experiencing.  I wanted to share it with you, so here you go:

Now let me get to some upcoming events you’ll want to be aware of:

Sunday School Cleaning and Organizing Saturday, September 28th 9am-12pm

This is happening THIS SATURDAY.  Both Men and Women are invited to help us do some important cleaning in our Children’s Ministry area.  Bring your cleaning supplies (buckets, rags, towels, old toothbrushes).  We’re going to be cleaning toys and Sunday school furniture and organizing supplies.  We could use lots of hands to make the work fun and easy.  Please call Kim Ohst if you plan to attend 760.519.4558.

Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed: we still need 3 more volunteers for our Children’s Ministry.  could you serve 1 Sunday per month?  Did you sign up to serve the last time I mentioned it, but still haven’t gotten around to filling out the application form?  Then Please contact Debby Gidley ASAP at either the church office phone – 760-754-2974 (it can get both texts and voice calls), or her email:

Breath of Heaven Annual Banquet

Our Annual Breath of Heaven Fundraising Banquet is coming up on October 17th.

Check out this photo from Breath of Heaven.  (Just in case you don’t know this ministry yet, Breath of Heaven is an orphan care ministry in Zambia, Africa that is committed to giving a hope and a future to orphans and vulnerable children). That’s Ted Lawler, of course, in the center, the president and founding director of BOH. To his right (the left side of the picture) is Katongo, our Village “Father”, and the pastor of Breath of Heaven Worship Center, a growing church community that serves our children, staff, and the community surrounding our children’s village.  On Ted’s left (right side of the picture) is our “son” Mika, whom we (Traci and Frank Blagg, Kim, and myself) have sponsored for the last 10 years or so.  Both Katongo and Mika were at one time among the poorest of the poor in the world, without  hope or a future.  This photo brings me so much joy, cuz both of these young men are now a testimony to the great work the Lord is doing through our partnership with this amazing ministry. They are thriving in life!

I want to invite all of you to join us at Breath of Heaven’s Annual Fundraiser Dinner on October 17th at the Monserate Winery located at 2757 Gird Road, Fallbrook.  This is always a really great event, reporting on all the latest accomplishments in the last year at Breath of Heaven Children’s Village.  We will enjoy delicious meal served at this beautiful Winery, there will be an inspiring presentation about Breath of Heaven and of course we will be given an opportunity to get involved financially. We are always needing to expand our base of Child Sponsors and Supporters, so I’m asking you to think of who you know who’d you like to bring so we can together spread the word about this great ministry.  You can register for the Breath of Heaven Banquet by clicking here:

Being The Beloved Women’s Retreat 2024

The Women of Grace will be going to Pine Valley for our Being the Beloved retreat November 1-3.  Michelle Wilson, pastor of Coast Vineyard, will be our speaker and Ammee  Huzil will be leading worship.  Dorm Rooms are $195, Shared Bath Lodges are $230 and Private Bath Lodges are $250 (unavailable unless already reserved).  You won’t want to miss this lovely time of connecting with the Lord and your sisters in Christ.  Please sign up in the lobby (even if you’ve already begun to pay, please fill out a registration form).  For more information, please call Kim Ohst 760.519.4558.  You can pay online by clicking here Women’s Retreat Payment.

Make and Bake Sunday, October 13th:   We’d love for you to bring items for us to sell at the Make and Bake Sale.  The proceeds from this sale will pay for retreat costs including retreat scholarships.  Those requesting a scholarship will need to help with set up, pricing, selling or tear down.    Please text Kim Ohst for details 760.519.4558.

Convicted For Christ Golf For Hope Tournament

Our friends at Convicted For Christ are having their 2nd annual Golf For Hope Tournament/Fundraiser on November 9th.   I hope as many of us as possible can also join the Golf For Hope Tournament.  Check it out by clicking here:

Encounter Night 2024

This one is still about a  month away, but I want to get it on our calendars.  Encounter Night is a night of worship and prayer put on by the churches of San Diego at the Oceanside Pier Amphitheater.  It starts at 6pm on Sunday night, November 3, and it sounds like it’s going to be awesome.  There will be a combined worship band with singers and instrumentalists from a bunch of different churches in San Diego.  There will also be worship led by Chris Quilala. This will be a great time of unity among the churches of San Diego, gathering with just one purpose – to exalt the name of Jesus!

And that’s it for this week’s update email.  I hope you have a great rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you Sunday morning for worship.

with love and blessings,

Ron Ohst

Tithes and Offerings Online

THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard!  And thanks to all of you who are stepping into a lifestyle of generosity with your tithes and offerings.  It really does take all of us doing our part with the income God has entrusted to us for His church. If you’d like to give your tithe or offering online, click the donate button below.