The Grace Vineyard Women’s Ministry is a very vibrant and active part of our church community. Our women gather together for worship, fellowship, and encouragement throughout the year at various events such as bible studies, prayer walks, delicate spring tea parties, and elegant festive Christmas luncheons. We love our beautiful community of women, and we prioritize building rich relationships with Christ and with each other. After all, no one throws a Holy Ghost party like the women of Grace Vineyard.

Women’s Events

If you have any questions about Women’s events, please get in touch with Kim Ohst for more info – 760.519.4558,

Women’s Bible Studies

We have ongoing Bible Studies throughout the year.

Face to Face

Monthly Women’s in-person home group, location and time vary, but it is always a wonderful time of fellowship, study, and prayer!

Monthly Saturday Morning Hike

Join the Grace Vineyard Women for an easy hike and a short devotional at one of San Diego’s many hiking spots.  We meet at 9 am on the 2nd Saturday of the month, locations vary.   Contact Kathy Green at 760.583.1779 for more details.

Women’s Retreats

Our annual fall women’s retreats are always a beautiful time of communion with each other and with the Holy Spirit. We typically escape away to the Pine Valley retreat center for a weekend of worship, prayer, teaching, creativity, fun activities, and fellowship. No matter where you are in your faith journey, the Women of Grace would love for you to join us!

If you’re looking to pay for your Retreat Registration online, you can do so using this link: Women’s Retreat Payment

Ladies’ Spring Tea

The Ladies’ Tea is a delightful and refreshing annual event that brings women together to celebrate the beauty of a season of new beginnings while enjoying each other’s company. Dress up (if you like!) and join us for worship, a message, and a meal of tea, finger sandwiches, and desserts!

Women’s Christmas Luncheon

The Women’s Christmas Luncheon is a fun and beautiful opportunity for ladies to come together to reflect on the birth of our savior, and fellowship with other women of God in the midst of what can be a chaotic season. We share a meal of delicious soups and salad on the festively decorated terrace, in addition to worship and an encouraging message.