July 29, 2024

Hello Grace Vineyard Family and Friends,

As I start writing this email, it’s just after 5:30pm on Saturday, so if I can be quick, and you can be quick, you have time to get on over to Grace Vineyard for the 6:30 showing tonight of The Chosen, Season 4, Episodes 5 & 6!

[UPDATE: the text version of this update went out on Saturday a little after 6pm, but the email version is going out much later, so you won’t be able to see episodes 5 &6 on the Big Screen.  However, do note that we’ll be showing episodes 7&8 on Saturday, July 13, at 6:30pm]

Hope you can make it. The Chosen is an immensely popular multi-season series depicting the life of Jesus and his disciples.  In Season 4, John the Baptist has been arrested and meets his tragic end, foreshadowing the fate Jesus himself will suffer at the end of his life. The disciples contend with conflicts and jealousies among themselves and must learn unfamiliar qualities of humility and forgiveness. And in the final episodes we experience the miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead.

We’ll be back on July 13th at 6:30pm for episodes 7 & 8.

If you’ve never seen the trailer for Season 4, I think you’d really enjoy it.  You can watch it right here:

Thank you!!!

Last night you all put on a beautiful 20th anniversary party for Kim and me – not our wedding anniversary, but the 20th anniversary of our being blessed to be the pastors of Grace Vineyard. Thank you.  That was incredibly gracious of all of you.  I’m not sure who all the people were who put it together, but it was spectacular, and filled with love, and pretty humbling to hear all those kind words.  Thank you so much for coming, and sharing, and writing cards, and giving those crazy generous gifts.  We love you tons!!

The Message of 1st Thessalonians, Week 3

This Sunday  (June 30) will be our 4th time together learning from the book of 1 Thessalonians.  I for one have learned a lot already; I hope you have too.  In the first 3 weeks, Paul, Silas, and Timothy have been writing to this little church, reminiscing about their time together and praising God for the way they received the Gospel and turned away from pagan idols to follow Jesus.  Now as we enter the 4th chapter, they begin with these words, “As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more…”  With that introduction they begin a section where they give the Thessalonian believers some instructions on how we should live lives that are pleasing to God.  That’s where we’ll start on Sunday morning.  I recommend you try to read Chapter 4 tonight to get your spirit, heart, and mind already prepared for what the Holy Spirit would like to teach us.

See you all in the morning!  If you are not able to be with us in person this Sunday, you can always join online via the Zoom app with this info:  Zoom Meeting ID  153 112 432, Passcode 684814. You may also join us on Facebook Live at facebook.com/gracevcf.

And if you’d like to catch last week’s talk from 1 Thessalonians chapter 3, you can watch it right here:

Make and Bake Sale for Zambia Missions Trip

The Grace Zambia Team is heading to Breath of Heaven on July 15. We are having a bake sale plus selling other items after church on Sunday July 7 to raise money for gifts and needed items for the children and some churches. Contact Michelle Ertel at michellelessa58@yahoo.com if you can bring something or help out in any way. This is a practical way to participate in the ministry trip. We’ll have some clipboards going around in the service this Sunday where you can sign up to bring something for the Make & Bake Sale.  ALSO – PLEASE PRAY! Prayer is our most powerful resource, so please be praying for our ministry both at Breath of Heaven Children’s Village and schools of ministry and outreaches we will be participating in around the nation of Zambia with the Vineyard churches there.  If you’d just like to contribute, you can do that right now by going to gracevcf.org/zambia-missions.

BBQ and Worship Night at San Diego Rescue Mission in Oceanside Friday, July 12th 5pm

On Friday, July 12, at 5pm, we’re going to be serving at the San Diego Rescue Mission in Oceanside. We’ll bring grills and make hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixings.  After we serve food, we’ll have a time of worship and prayer for the people in this program designed to help those facing homelessness.  It is a 30 day emergency shelter for men, women and children.    If you can help in any way, please sign up at the table in the lobby this  Sunday.  We need to know ahead of time who is participating.  There is a waiver to sign and a video to watch to be able to serve.

True Valor Men’s Conference

Here’s something cool for the men to put on their calendars.  On August 23-24 we are joining with Men from all over North County for a Men’s Conference at Oceanside Calvary Chapel.  If you don’t know, we live in a county that has unusual levels of unity and relationship amongst churches.  In fact I was just with a pastor from New York who is working with a multi-church outreach we are planning for July, and he mentioned how unique it is here in San Diego.  So men, we’re going to get together with men from churches all over our county for a conference designed to help us confront the deadliest manslayers of our times.  Here’s the details from the webpage for the conference:

North County Men’s Conference
August 23-24, 2024

Friday 5:00pm- 9:30pm (Includes Dinner)
Saturday 8:00am – 3:00pm (Includes Lunch)

The Men of North County will be rallying for a two-day conference called True Valor: Confronting the Deadliest Manslayers of Our Times. This conference will intentionally address the most common vices and evils that attack men, while offering an armory of practical tools and weapons to equip you to be the Priest, Provider and Protector you are called to be.

This conference will be many churches, but one brotherhood. This is a charge to every man, and to neighboring and local churches to confront these manslayers with us as a united force. This is a call for men to stand and fight. This is a call for True Valor.

For more info, contact Snake (Richard) Ertel at 760-622-4572, or check out the conference website at: https://www.calvaryoceanside.org/truevalor.
Also, check out this video for the conference:
If you didn’t recognize them, those men speaking in the video were all local pastors from San Diego.  It is going to be so inspiring to gather with these pastors and men from churches all over our county to worship, learn, and get equipped to more fully pursue the Lord in our time.  Let’s see how many Men of Grace will come together in August!

Movement San Diego Returns Next Month

Some of you will remember last year’s Movement San Diego.  Well, we’re doing it again on July 19th.  Check it out at https://www.movementsd.com/.  Movement San Diego is an evangelistic revival event – an evening of evangelism and seeking God for revival in San Diego. The event will be led by worship teams lifting up the name of Jesus in public worship and prayer. There will be two gospel presentations with altar calls and follow up by Pastor Mike Doyle and evangelist and former professional skateboarder Bryan Sumner. Throughout the night there will also be ministry tents, teams available for prayer and counseling, and a baptismal for anyone desiring to be baptized.  Our church, along with all the other churches in North County, is invited to participate.  We’ll especially need teams to pray with people at the event.  If you’d like to participate, let me know and I’ll get you connected with the right people.

Alright.  That’s it for this week’s update.  I think I was too slow to give you time to get to the movie after reading this, unless you are super fast!  Sorry about that.  (though to be fair, I did send you a separate text to remind you, so I hope you got that earlier today!).

With love and blessings,

Ron Ohst

Tithes and Offerings Online

THANKS for taking ownership in the life and ministry of Grace Vineyard!  And thanks to all of you who are stepping into a lifestyle of generosity with your tithes and offerings.  It really does take all of us doing our part with the income God has entrusted to us for His church. If you’d like to give your tithe or offering online, click the donate button below.